Friday, July 15, 2011

Opening Night of Caves and Thieves!

So the art show was a giant success!!! It was so packed the bar ran out of beer! Whoa! I had a few offers on my paintings but I'm not selling them for the time being, good to know people like my stuff though. I'm in a bunch of the shots in the vid and so is my art, enjoy!

Friday, July 1, 2011


Tattoo's! This will be my first tattoo ever. I've always been scared to get one due to my issues of permanence and indecisiveness but right now I feel like it's something I have to get done. This tat is for Joshua my roomie who I've lived with for 3 years. We still haven't gotten into a single fight, proves we have a strong connection! He's my go to person I love him to death! He collects these robots and they're a part of him in a way so I've decided to get sparkling mike tattooed on my back. He actually owns this robot which is pretty sick. He also has a robot tat so we'll be matching in some way. This is just a photoshopped pic, I'm trying to figure out exactly where to get it, but I'm getting it done end of July! Any feedback?